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Exercise Your Brain

Surf the Internet Pick a topic and be amazed at how much you can learn.

Read Books, Magazines and Newspapers Newspapers and periodicals provide stimulating in-depth information that you can gather at your own pace.

Crossword Puzzles Pick up a crossword puzzle book or visit, and

Like Numbers? Try Sudoku If you’re a number person, this is for you. There are a seemingly infinite number of sites. is a good one because you can tailor it to your experience level.

Chess, Checkers, Scrabble or Any Board Game Classic board games are always a family favorite. Learn more on websites like, or

Card Games like Bridge, Canasta, Rook or Poker You don’t even need cards. Visit, or

Take Up Bird Watching Bird watching is a great chance to get some exercise while learning about the abundant feathered friends gracing most campsites. A pair of binoculars gets you started. Some good sites are, or

Become a Guide at Parks, Museums or Other Venues Being a guide offers a rich opportunity to learn and spread knowledge, while interacting with the public. Type “docent opportunities” and the region you are interested in using your search engine of choice.

Take Up a Hobby or Craft, or Start a Collection Is there something you’ve always been interested in? An online search provides abundant sources.

Join Online Forums Dedicated to Your Interests No matter what your interests, there are online forums to put you in touch with like-minded individuals.

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