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FREE "HOW TO" BOOK on Extreme Couponing

From time to time, we like to pass along interesting ebooks to our RV camping audience. Here’s one: We Use Coupons, You Should Too! How Couponing Saved My Life. ( It’s available as a FREE download on Amazon Kindle ( for a limited time. Get it NOW while the deal is on!

Click the pic to get the FREE book!

Most of us are familiar with the concept of extreme couponing. We’ve seen the TV shows in which people load up two carts full of groceries, lay out a stack of coupons, and end up paying $2.37 in pennies for the entire kit & kaboodle. Often these extreme couponers simply pay sales tax and stroll out the door with stacks of free merchandise. The author of this book states that extreme couponing helped him dig his way out of $80,000 in debt.

For example, the author states that his family uses about 20 tubes of toothpaste in an average year. Through these couponing techniques, they literally get all of their toothpaste for free. Free?! That sounds smart to me. The less money we spend on toothpaste, the more we have left to go RV camping.

We don’t claim to understand the nuances of how all of this works. That’s why we’re interested in this book. We thought you might like it too. GET IT TODAY FOR FREE on Amazon Kindle.

Don’t have a Kindle? Not to worry; you can get a free Kindle app on iPad and Android tablets. Of course, if you want to buy a Kindle ( it’s a great investment in cranial stimulation. Amazon is offering some amazing deals on Kindles during this holiday season.

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