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Coffee On The Go…

So, what is your favorite way to crank out a hot cup of coffee while traveling, camping or RVing? I have used various methods and tools over the years. Yes, simply poking the button on my electric coffee maker in the kitchen of my travel trailer is my favorite way to brew when we are camping. It’s simple and convenient. And, I can do it without having to start a fire in the campsite fire ring! 

When we have camped at more remote locations or at sites that didn’t have full hookup, I often boil water on my gas stove and then use my insulated French press coffee pot purchased at REI. This method was really useful when we camped at Madison Campground at Yellowstone National Park. 

I am considering another option now that I have discovered the collapsible coffee filter cone.  Made by Classic Kitchen Basics, the silicone filter is compact and holds a paper filter. You simply place the cone over a cup, add the filter and the coffee and the pour boiling water over the coffee. The water slowly drips and a cup of hot coffee is created.  The filter itself is quite nifty because it collapses and saves precious space while traveling.  So, any tips for making coffee?

Photo by Melissa A. Trainer

–Melissa A. Trainer

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