In keeping with RVC’s commitment in redefining the camping experience, you will find Catherine’s Landing in Hot Springs Arkansas, to be a new variety of outdoor resort. Located along the shores of Lake Catherine, one of three lakes created by the damming of the Quachita River in the 1920’s to generate hydroelectricity in the area, the RV park was originally the home and site of the Humphreys’ Dairy Farm. This establishment served the local community for over 80 years until the family happily sold the land to RVC Outdoor Destinations, excited by their vision of what would become of 400 acres of forest, pastures and stream filled landscape.
A concierge service helps you manage your valuable leisure time by connecting you with the best restaurant, services and attractions in the area from which there are many to choose. The Resort itself offers a beautiful saline swimming pool, kayak and boat rentals. Also included is a Zip-line tour by Adventureworks, which covers 50 acres and includes 12 zips is within easy walking distance. Exercise room, family game room that includes Wii, beautiful lodge and retail store takes conventional camping to a whole new level at Catherine’s Landing in Hot Springs, Arkansas.