By Lynn Difley
If you have had similar experiences, maybe you, like me, worry that the memory is going, could be Alzheimer’s or dementia, a worse fear case scenario. Authorities say not to worry, brain overload, as well as time overload, is part and parcel of the busy, over committed life many of us lead. So what can we do to preserve and protect the gray matter and keep our senior moments from becoming something more serious down the road.
The latest news is that the health of your brain and your heart are closely connected, that is to say that the same lifestyle and nutritional factors that ward off heart disease and stroke can keep your brain healthy as well. Exercise regularly, take a regular vitamin supplement to be sure you get all essential nutrients, eat healthy fats, and lots of fruits and vegetables.
- Exercise is essential for healthy hearts and brains. Regular cardiovascular activity improves blood flow to the brain, along with decreasing the risk of obesity and diabetes and helps control cholesterol and blood pressure, keeping the memory bank full. Studies show that among elderly people, those who exercised most reduced the risk of cognitive impairment 40%.
- Get plenty of sleep. Those who sleep poorly have double the risk of losing cognitive function, as well as increasing the likelihood of obesity and diabetes. Sleep is often given a low number on the priority list. Just like kids we think of so many more exciting things to do with our time, but try to squeeze in your healthy sleep time to preserve the gray matter you will need for years to come.
- Flex your muscles. The brain is like a muscle, you have to use it or lose it. No–TV and video games are not the best way to exercise the gray matter. Studies of people over age 75 who read, dance, and play board games or musical instruments showed they were likely to avoid dementia. As you exercise your mental muscles the brain cells produce more dendrites, your brain’s coordination system.
- Treasure your friendships and your family. Those who have a spouse or significant other maintain healthy brain function long after those who are loners have lost theirs. If you are single, regular contact with friends, relatives or a social group serves to keep your brain happy and functioning at peak capacity.
- Ginko has been shown to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s. A daily dose of 60 to 100 mg a day is recommended for a memory preservation program.
- Don’t worry, be happy. Worry stirs up the stress hormones, which impair the brain’s memory center. The most effective way to relax is to practice meditation, in one of its many forms, 10-20 minutes a day. You will not only feel calmer you’ll think more clearly.
So let’s see, where was I? Ah, yes, about to go get a glass of water.