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 By Monique Zander, the Never-Bored RVer

 It’s Monique’s turn to comment on yesterday’s blog. 

“Since there have been so many responses stating that the blog is not boring, I must clarify the statement in the previous blog.

“Barry’s blogs are not boring.  On the contrary, I find them well written, entertaining and educational.  I appreciate his talent as so many readers do.  I am a creative person, but I’m not at all into computers.  Technology is not my thing.  I don’t even know how to type!

“So proofreading Barry’s writing (I proofread every posting) about the process of formatting the e-Postcard, I found the technical how-to boring —  for me. 

“Barry knew I would.

“Barry writes in his wonderful intimate way, and I am his Number 1 fan.  We are a team when it comes to ideas. 

“When I came up with the concept of the e-Postcard and how the finished product should look, Barry embraced it wholeheartedly.  I had no doubt that he could figure out how to do it, and, of course, he did.

“Barry always welcomes my suggestions, additions or subtractions.  He asks me to proofread every article (he jokingly calls me ‘his cruel editor’).  By my own choosing, I don’t want to be involved with computers, and it’s okay with Barry.  He’d rather I spend my time cooking gourmet meals anyway.

“Just as Barry and I are never bored, I do not find Barry’s blogs boring.”


In our next posting, we will address a few questions and issues mentioned in yesterday’s Comments Section and in the numerous requests for the reverse side of the e-Postcard. 

From the “Never-Bored RVers,” We’ll see you on down the road.

 All rights reserved

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