TRIVIA QUESTION: “Ice is civilization!” What movie includes this famous quote?* (Answer at the end of the article.) Yes, since ice is civilization, we use an OXO No Spill Ice Tray (
Alas, our RV freezer lacks an ice maker. We are reliant on ice cube trays to make ice. There’s only one problem with ordinary ice cube trays: spillage!
It’s bad enough when we are parked. But suppose we are traveling down the road and we’ve got loose water sloshing around in our freezer? That’s not a good scenario.
The OXO No Spill Tray is brilliant. It’s a thoughtfully designed ice cube tray that comes equipped with a soft silicone lid. The easy-to-use silicone lid seals the water inside the tray. Obviously the lid prevents the water from spilling, which is great for RV travel.
But wait! There’s more…
The OXO No Spill design allows you to easily stack two or more trays in a small space. You can even stack the trays at an angle! This makes the most out of a small RV freezer such as our own.
OXO claims the silicone lid helps maintain the flavor of the ice, by preventing it from absorbing freezer odors.
The final design touch is the rounded ice cube shape that makes from easy removal from the tray.
The tray has a nice handle, and the cubes are rounded in shape, which makes for easy removal. (Click the pic for more info.)
We carry our Vitamix blender with us in our Airstream, so we can make healthy smoothies on the go. A good smoothie needs ice. These OXO trays are nice. (Those last two sentences rhymed.)
*Okay, here’s your TRIVIA ANSWER: “Ice is civilization!” is a quote from the 1986 Harrison Ford movie Mosquito Coast. In the film, Ford plays a man obsessed with building an ice factory in a Central American jungle. Weird film; great quote!