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VIDEO: Snowbirds!

On, we often like to talking about “seizing the day.” But what does that mean? To me, it means having the courage to live the life you want to live.

A wise philosopher once urged us to “dare to live the life we imagine.” But it’s easier said than done. Dreams sometimes collide with reality. Reality usually wins.

One obvious limitation is financial. Some dreams cost money, and that money isn’t always in the ‘ol bank account when we need it. That wise philosopher probably didn’t invest in Enron.

But the most pressing limitations — the ones that really torpedo the ship — are often of the mental variety. We construct psychological barriers to the pursuit of our dreams. We find reasons. We make excuses. We take the easy way out instead of boldly going for what we really want.

So it’s always refreshing to meet folks like Christina and Richard. Last year, the couple retired. Instead of making excuses, they got busy. They bought an RV, and headed south for the winter. These Canadian “snowbirds” just wrapped up their first winter season of camping along the Gulf Coast of Alabama and Florida.

They had plans to camp elsewhere along the Atlantic Coast, but once they arrived upon the Gulf they saw no reason to move. In fact, they spent some 165 days camping in paradise. They discovered new foods (including an exotic Southern dish called “grits”), made new friends, and kicked off an exciting new chapter of their lives in style.

How well did it go? The couple have already booked their campsite for next year. And the next year, and the next year, and the next year. In fact, the reserved their campsite for the foreseeable future — “as far as the calendar goes.”

So congrats to Christina and Richard. May we all follow their example and pursue our dreams.


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