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How to be prepared for a medical emergency while traveling

Medical emergencies can happen while traveling just as easily as they can at home. Be prepared for an illness or injury away from home with this checklist.

With Good Sam TravelAssist you can rest assured that you’ll receive comprehensive emergency medical and travel assistance if you get ill or injured while traveling. Membership allows you to travel confidently knowing that you have a team available to assist 24/7/365 – no matter where you are in the world.

And now, the brand NEW Good Sam TravelAssist Premier takes your coverage even farther.  In addition to emergency medical evacuations, RV/vehicle return, transportation home for dependent children, prescription replacement assistance, return of deceased remains and lost items assistance, Good Sam TravelAssist Premier provides the ultimate peace of mind with exclusive benefits that include:

-Coverage for your entire family: In addition to coverage for you, your spouse, and dependent children, Good Sam TravelAssist Premier will cover your adult children and their spouses, grandchildren, parents, and grandparents when traveling with you.

Transportation home to join a hospitalized family member: Good Sam TravelAssist Premier will provide two tickets home if a family member not traveling with you will be hospitalized for three or more days or passes away while you are away from home.

-Transportation home if your home is damaged due to a natural disaster: If a natural disaster damages you or your traveling companion’s home, Good Sam TravelAssist Premier will pay for two economy-class tickets so you can get back home immediately.

– 24/7 nurse helpline: If you have questions about symptoms or need advice about whether to see a doctor or not, call our toll-free, 24/7 Nurse Helpline – from home or on the road.

-Emergency pet housing and pet return: If you are traveling with your dog or cat and need to be hospitalized for 3 or more days, Good Sam TravelAssist Premier will arrange and pay for your pet to be boarded. And if necessary, we will return your dog or cat to your primary residence.

Emergency medical evacuation from home hospital: If you are at home and you sustain an injury or become ill and adequate medical treatment is unavailable at your current facility, we will arrange and pay for a medical evacuation to a facility capable of providing appropriate medical treatment.

-Upgraded seating with a nurse or non-medical expert: If medically necessary when being transported home after hospitalization, Good Sam TravelAssist Premier will pay for a nurse escort or a non-medical escort to accompany you.  You will also receive upgraded seating.

When a medical emergency strikes, getting to a hospital isn’t the end of your troubles. Often times, medical and travel insurance simply don’t go far enough. Protect your loved ones and your budget with Good Sam TravelAssist.  Learn more or join today at

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