Researching for this article, I was somewhat surprised to find that Minnesota casinos are the most RV friendly in the nation. There are 19 casinos that I can find in Minnesota, I have 9 of them listed on my website as RV Friendly. However, looking everywhere in print and online I could only locate ONE out of 19 casinos that doesn’t have either an RV park, or free overnight RV parking. That lone casino is Canterbury Park, known more as a horseracing track than as a casino. So with a 95% RV friendly rating I declare Minnesota to be #1 until proven otherwise!
RV Friendly casinos cover MN from Seven Clans Casino, Warroad, near the Canadian border, all the way down to Jackpot Junction Casino in Morton. You’ll find a wide range of accommodations from simple overnight parking to full-hookup RV resorts. You’ll also find some surprises along the way. Three casinos I’m aware of provide free electric only hookups on a first-come basis, and several casinos with RV parks also allow overnight dry parking. The photo at top is one such casino; Treasure Island, thanks to Karen B. who contributed the photo to my website.
Free Electric Only
- Palace Casino, Cass Lake
- White Oak Casino, Deer River
- Northern Lights Casino, Walker
Full Hookup RV Parks
- Prairie’s Edge Casino, Granite Falls
- Grand Casino, Hinkley
- Jackpot Junction, Morton
- Mystic Lake Casino, Prior Lake
- Treasure Island Resort, Red Wing
Chris and I lived in Minnesota from 1985 to 1990, but haven’t been back since. This fall we hope to visit Southern Minnesota, and stop at a few casinos for a first-hand look.
What Minnesota casinos have you visited by RV? Do any offer unique features, or have interesting attractions in the area? Which are your favorites? I’ve started this thread on the Open Roads Forum for discussion.
Happy travels, and good luck in the casinos,