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The Zen of Boondocking – Part IV: Electricity conservation

By Bob Difley

What could be easier to use in an RV than the electrical system? You flip a switch and there is light. Push a button and your blender turns out a smoothie. Nothing to think twice about–as long you keep a wire connected to your house-on-wheels and the utility company’s equipment doesn’t brown out. In your house, when when these fail, there is not much you can do about it but wait. And wait. And wait–until somebody else fixes it.

But in your RV, it’s a different story. If you practice the cavalier attitude about electrical usage in your rig that you probably do in your house, chances are that your house battery will soon be like the pancakes in the cliché–flat. The reason, of course, is that your wire to your house/RV continuously feeds infinite current, while when boondocking you are using up the finite stored electricity in your house battery.

There are two ways to deal with an RV’s limited source of electrical power. One is to limit or cut back on usage (conservation), the subject of this blog, and the other is to find additional sources (generator, solar, wind, chipmunks on a treadmill), which is next Saturday’s subject.

Fortunately, or unfortunately if you are an energy hog, an effective way to improve your electrical usage is to change old energy-wasting habits. Once you’ve allowed those habits to die a well deserved death, you will find your new efficient habits aren’t as draconian as you may have thought. And running a generator for hours every day is NOT an efficient use of power; it is a very slow way to charge your batteries, makes noise (an alien sound in the boonies and annoying to neighbors), uses fossil fuels, requires carrying extra gas cans (if using a portable generator), requires service and maintenance, and will eventually break down.

So, here are some ways you can conserve the energy you have to use in more efficient ways–so you can stay camped out there by that mountain stream for a day or so longer.

Next Saturday’s post will be on how to upgrade your electrical system to lower usage appliances and how to use alternate power sources.

Check out my website for more RVing tips and destinations and my ebooks, BOONDOCKING: Finding the Perfect Campsite on America’s Public LandsSnowbird Guide to Boondocking in the Southwestern Deserts, and 111 Ways to Get the Biggest Bang out of your RV Lifestyle Dollar.

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