As described in a previous post, each year during Holy Week, Christians from New Mexico and the surrounding area undertake a journey, typically on foot, to the small village of Chimayo. They are headed toward the Santuario de Chimayo, the site of a miracle back in the 1800s. It is believed to have been the site of many healings over the years. In fact, the Tewa Indians, who inhabited the area even before the Spanish, had considered it a site for healing long before the Spanish settlers arrived.
“If you are a stranger, if you are weary from the struggles in life, whether you have a handicap, whether you have a broken heart, follow the long mountain road, find a home in Chimayo.”
Visitors to the Santuario, walkers or not, often visit the shrine in search of healing. In fact, most seek to take home a small portion of the sacred red dirt found in a small well, or “pozito”, in a room to the left of the sanctuary. This dirt is believed to have healing properties as well. It is in this room that those in search of healing come to pray, receive healing, and rubbing some of the dirt on an afflicted area or taking some home to put on an alter. Those who are healed often make a second trip, to give thanks for the healing, often leaving crutches, casts, braces, canes and walkers, they no longer find themselves in need of in another side room referred to as “the crutch room” in reference to the numerous devices that adorn its walls, a testament to its effectiveness.
The chapel that was originally constructed is still standing, but in recent years the Bernardo Abeyta Museum has been added. The museum details the history of the Santuario and what led Abeyta to build the Church that is now considered the “Lourdes of America.” The museum also offers exhibits of traditional religious art created by New Mexican and world-renowned artists. Through their efforts you can visualize the passion of Christ as well as other popular saints and inspiring subjects.
For more information about camping in New Mexico, browse Woodall’s listings of New Mexico Campgrounds.