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Talledega Night

I remember Talledega very well, and my memories have nothing to do with car racing. My very first camping experience was seventeen miles back, deep in the Talledega National Forest, in about 1963. There we were, not another human being anywhere around, at 10:00 at night, with an Army-surplus duck tent and heavy tent poles and only the waning light from our car headlights to set up the tent.

During the night the horizontal tent pole broke, and I heard “someone” with a deep voice calling my husband Richard’s name over and over from deep in the woods – “ribbit, ribbit, ribbit.” My first RV was the car itself. A pretty scary “first time”, but 47 years later I’m still camping!

Submitted by Lynn Bennett of Abilene, TX State as a part of the RV Centennial Celebration “Share Your Favorite RV Memory” contest.

Do you have a favorite RVing or camping memory you’d like to share? Submit your favorite memory here!

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