To be honest, it is almost tempting to drive up that day just to say we were there on Dec 25th. Tomorrow, which will be Dec 15th by the way, the temperature announced for Ottawa, ON is about 9 degree Celsius which is about 48.2 Fahrenheit.
I know we won’t drive to our campsite that week and deep down I am hoping to have a white Christmas but this year waves of temperature made us seriously think about the fact that all campground in our province closes during the long week-end in October which is our Thanksgiving week-end. We could have spent more week-end at our “cottage” like my mother-in-law calls it.
We could have fish more, explore the woods more, see the wildlife slowly going to sleep… So many opportunities that were lost because campgrounds are closing so early. It would be nice to have the flexibility of being able to go longer depending of the years… But I will admit that it is not an easy thing to predict – the weather that is.
Who would have known that this year we wouldn’t have snow on Dec 14 yet? Oh we did have some snow coming down a couple of times, but honestly not much so far… Twice the boys went to shovel the driveway for daddy in the morning. But within a day it was all gone – melted.
So with the crazy temperatures we will get today and tomorrow, I am somewhat wishing we could go to the trailer and have fun on Christmas day. Seeing all the green around almost makes me want to go on an adventure with my family.
How will you spend your Christmas this year? Will you be on the road with your RV or at home with family? Please share where you will be on Christmas Day. Us? As tempting to go to the RV could be, we will visit family on Christmas Day.