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RVing On Thanksgiving

Fall is one of the absolute best times of year to go camping–RVing on Thanksgiving weekend is the ultimate way to spend the yummiest holiday with family and friends! Pack up your turkey and fixings and head out for the long four-day weekend in the RV!

Not only is the weather beautiful for this holiday, but when you are camping, food just tastes THAT much better than when you are at home.  Plus camping provides the perfect venue for your family to spend quality family time together and also gets everyone outdoors to enjoy the gorgeous fall weather!

To make your life easier with regards to making your turkey, stuffing, ham, mashed potatoes, etc, you can make or prep everything at home (ahead of time) and then simply bake it or heat it up for your Thanksgiving dinner out at the campground. Then when it comes to pumpkin pie and all of the other yummy Thanksgiving goodies, you can bring everything to bake it in the RV or just throw it together before you leave home and then pop it in the oven while you are eating  your traditional Thanksgiving dinner.

RVing for Thanksgiving makes perfect sense, especially considering most folks and kids get at least Thursday-Sunday off of work and school, which makes for one of the longest holiday weekends of the year. Plus, what better way to experience all those people and things that you are thankful for, then to go camping with them and experience the long, lazy days of relaxing by the campfire, eating good grub, and languishing in the hot afternoon sun.

I personally go RVing every Thanksgiving. It has been a family tradition for years. In fact, Thanksgiving wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without our annual camp out. We used to include a 30-mile (one way) bike ride to/from the campground, but these last few years its just been camping minus the beautiful ride following the biggest meal of the year.

Take my word for it and try it this year or next and I promise you won’t regret it. Indulge for your annual feast while RVing on Thanksgiving weekend!


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