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Preventing Tire Problems

Good Sam Roadside AssistanceTips courtesy of Good Sam Roadside Assistance 

Most RV owners know how important it is to check our tires, yet only 14% of U.S. drivers properly check their tire pressure on a regular basis.* Proper tire care can prevent breakdowns, crashes, improve handling, give you better fuel economy and extend the life of your tires.

We know that accidents do happen and even the most safety-conscious RV owners get flat tires – even in their own garage! In fact,Good Sam Roadside Assistance discovered that 40% of disablements on autos and RVS were due to tire problems. To help get our members back on the road after a flat, Good Sam Roadside Assistance includes an essential benefit: Flat Tire Service.

If you have a tire problem while out on the road, a service technician will come out to replace the flat tire with your inflated spare. If you need a replacement, they will call our network of providers to find a proper replacement, have it delivered & install it on the spot so you can continue your travels. Service is available 24 hours a day and if no tires are available, Good Sam Roadside Assistance will tow your vehicle to the nearest professional service center (with no mileage limits). No other Roadside Assistance service offers a network that can “bring the shop to you.”

Don’t forget, household vehicles are also at risk for tire failure, and fortunately Good Sam Roadside Assistance covers all vehicles you own. Roadside Assistance combined with checking tire pressure and these other inspections can help you prevent tire troubles and trip interruptions. Before getting on the road:

1-  Make sure all of the lug nuts are secure and your tire valves have valve caps.

2- Inspect tires for uneven wear patterns on the tread, cracks, foreign objects, or other signs of wear or trauma – pay particular attention to sidewalls for cuts or abrasions.

3- Remove bits of glass and other foreign objects wedged in the tread.

4- Set inflation pressures (Note: the amount of air pressure you need depends on the weight of your fully loaded vehicle. Use the vehicle’s recommended pressure, not the pressure indicated on the tire which is usually the MAXIMUM allowable pressure)

5- It is a good idea to own more than one tire pressure gauge.  It is not uncommon for gauges to be off by several pounds.

6- Do not overload your vehicle. (Check the tire information placard or owner’s manual for the maximum recommended load for the vehicle).

7- It may seem like an inconvenience, but it is extremely important to get your loaded vehicle weighed before you leave.

8- If you are towing a trailer, remember that some of the weight of the loaded trailer is transferred to the towing vehicle.

9- Trailers should have the wheel bearings repacked after being in storage.

10-Consider nitrogen, an insert gas that is less affected by temperature.  Make sure to use green valve stem covers so that you don’t accidentally re-fill with regular air!

Even with proper tire care, you never know what the road may bring. A tire replacement service as part of your roadside assistance plan can really minimize the burden on your trip.

*Study by the Rubber Manufacturers Association (RMA)

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