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Patti’s Saga of an RV Rookie: “The RV Lot: Do’s and Don’ts of Paradise Not”

Photo Caption: Usery Park, Arizona

Last weekend we met with an RV sales rep who goaded me to the dark side.  I left there, harboring thoughts of someone’s imminent doom. You can bet it wasn’t mine.

 If you’re an upfront, ethical RV sales rep who visits your grandmother every Sunday, this blog isn’t about you.  But, just as there are mediocre teachers and lazy lawyers, there are RV salespeople whose ancestors cavorted with masked bandits; ours qualified. Allow me to share.

Why were we even on an RV lot? Why are we looking, yet again, at RV’s when we just bought a lovely Jayco travel trailer that we all love? Because it’s a travel trailer. We discovered Day 1 that while hitching, unhitching, and towing a trailer works for lots of folks, it’s not for us. Frankly, we lean to the lazy side. So, we’re checking out B+’s or C-‘s (short Class C’s): which puts us back on the lots.

 Here’s some do’s and don’ts we’ve learned from hanging out on RV lots. And for those of you who’ve “been there, done that” for years, I’d love to hear back from you. Woodall readers can benefit from your expertise. Here we go:



You can ask endless questions of people who know everything there is to know in the universe about buying and selling RVs. I wish my Rving maniac of a Dad were still alive. He would have so loved this RV chat world.

 Isn’t it all just a great adventure, friends?  I hope you write back. I’d love to hear about your RV lot daze!

Happy Tales,


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