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North to Alaska…BaBa Canyon

You won’t nfind this one on any map. In fact, we just sort of blundered into it late one afternoon while we were driving around looking for Stone sheep and caribou to photograph.

A few miles past the summit of the Rockies at the bottom of a long cliff we spotted a road of sorts–two-lane rustic trail might be a better description–leading away from the Alaska Highway. We turned in and were able to drive only a couple of hundred yards at most before we had to stop and turn the car around.

Just as we turned onto this trail, on a slab of rock someone had hand-painted “BaBa Canyon.” Whether that is the real name of this place or not, I don’t know. At any rate, after we drove as far as we could, we turned the car around, parked it and got out to walk a little. There was a foot trail of sorts leading farther away from the highway upstream along a small creek of gin-clear water.

I’d only gone a short distance before I abruptly turned around and headed back to the car for my photography gear. The view ahead of us was stunning, as this picture tries to show. We spent most of the next hour working our cameras trying to make just the right picture. Only then did we head back to the car for a drive back to our motorhome.

Contact Ron at for information on ordering his book, Guide to the Alaska Highway.

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