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Springtime is upon us, and that means several things.

Pollen? Check. I’ve been sneezing at least fifteen times an hour.

RV cleaning? Check. We recently pressure washed our Airstream and it is now shining like a gigantic loaf of silver sour dough. This time, I managed to avoid pressure washing my foot.

Facebook page rebooting? Check! In the spirit of spring cleaning, we’re launching a new “Long Long Honeymoon” Facebook page. The page will feature conversation, photos, video, and FREE STUFF. You can find it here:

Now on Facebook!

Our goal will be to engage everyone with tales of travel… to inform, educate, and entertain… and yes, to parcel out loads of free goodies that pertain to Airstream / RV camping.

We will soon be ramping up several weekly contests and giveaways, including Long Long Honeymoon DVDs, t-shirts, and books.

So why not head on over to Facebook and join the fun?


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