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Lets Make a Painted Pumpkin RV!

RV Painted Pumpkin


Tired of carving the same old Jack-O-Lantern? Don’t like carving pumpkins, or dealing with rotted pumpkins at all? Want something a little less spooky, or something to remind you of all your time in the RV from the Summer? We have the fun little project for you! Lets turn your pumpkin into a painted RV! Painted pumpkins can last 8-12 weeks and work well indoors and out! This is a fun one to decorate outside with your mums and other decorations, or great to sit in front of your RV at the campground! This is a pretty easy project and its  fun for campers of all ages!

Watch the Video Below and read the instructions for more details.

What You Will Need:
A Pumpkin
Silver Spray Paint
Black, White, & Red paint.
Halloween decorations
Mini lights


1.Spray paint your pumpkin silver and let it dry.

2. Paint the stem of your pumpkin black.

3. Paint on your details! You can design your RV with all the details you want. You can make it as detailed or as minimal as you want.

4. Draw your wheels on some cardboard and cut them out and paint them.

5. Once all the paint on your pumpkin is dry tape on your wheels.

6. Add some small Halloween decorations. We used a small glitter pumpkin but you can use spiders, or mini ghosts. Have fun with it!

7. To make it a bit more fun we used a mini strand of lights because lights are always more fun!


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