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How it’s Made – A Guitar is Born

Did you know that in the state of Pennsylvania there is a town called Nazareth?   And in this town, you can have the opportunity of visiting…..; C.F. Martin & Co.

For over 150 years, The Martin Guitar Company has been producing instruments that are recognized all around the world.   These instruments are in the highest quality and their construction is very precise.

We had the opportunity to visit the factory back a few years ago and we really enjoyed it.    In 2008, we embarked on our first ever trip with our RV and we experience many interesting things.   Visiting a guitar factory was one of our highlights in our trip.

We had planned the field trip with the kids before arriving in PA because I had purchased the book Watch It Made In The U.S.A.

As a visitor on the factory tour, you will be shown how the guitars come to life through the hands of the people working at C.F. Martin & Co.  Tours are done regularly between 11am and 2:30pm Monday to Friday.    There is no charge for the tour unless you make a reservation for a group.

It is surprising that one guitar will go through more than 300 steps to be complete.    No wonder the price also reflect the workmanship put in it!

Before entering the factory itself, the tour guide will present all the different steps of making a Martin’s Guitar in a corridor.   You will also be given a pair of headset that will help you to listen to the tour guide as you go through the factory – because don’t forget that people are working there!

Once in the factory, it is very important to follow the tour guide and to not cross a special line on the floor because of the high quality of the guitars.   You wouldn’t want to have to pay for one of these – trust me…

The tour will take your through the various steps of making a guitar.   It was fascinating to see one the wood is bend, how they apply the coats of paint, and how the guitar is polished.   There are many steps involving the making of a Martin’s guitar and we were able to see each and every one of them.

We were even able to see the milestones guitars as well as the more expensive ones that they have made in the past.   This tour is definitively very informative and a great way to show your kids how things are made.  And when you are finished your tour, you receive a small souvenir.  When we went, we got a special coaster marked with the name of the company.

Pennsylvania is packed with interesting places to visit and discover how things are made.    When we visited the factory, our kids were a bit younger.   Now that they are older, we will definitively go back to explore more opportunities in Pennsylvania!

You can go visit C.F. Martin & Co.  at 510 Sycamore Street, Nazareth, Pennsylvania.

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