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Friends on the Road

On our honeymoon trek from the east coast to the west in the summer of 2010, we found many kind people willing to lend us a hand when we experienced problems. Our favorite memory of thoughtful friends takes place when we are leaving our friends Joy and Ricardo in Bellevue, Washington, to drive home.

We are driving through Stevens Pass in the Cascade Mountains, the peaks jagged above the treeline. As we are chugging up a big hill, we hear someone honking at us and pointing to our car.

Maybe someone is trying to tell us we have a problem with our RV! This has happened twice before. Once we ignored the warning, When we reached our destination we found that our tow dolly strap had come loose and our car had slid nearly halfway off the dolly. We are not going to ignore the signal this time, so we pull over to the side of the road.

Suddenly we see a very familiar woman standing on the shoulder of the highway with something dangling from her hands. As we inch closer, we see it is Joy!

She and Ricardo have driven 80 miles to Stevens Pass to catch us, thinking we have left our binoculars hanging on the doorway to their guest bedroom. But they are not ours. They must have been left by a previous guest and Joy just never noticed them before we arrived.

In trying to find us, Joy and Ricardo have picked up two young hitchhikers heading from Albuquerque to Seattle. We laugh at the fact that at least their 160 mile round trip is not wasted. And we are grateful they are such good and loyal friends.

Submitted by Corinne Stern as a part of the RV Centennial Celebration “Share Your Favorite RV Memory” contest.

Do you have a favorite RVing or camping memory you’d like to share? Submit your favorite memory here!

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