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Family Games

Family Games: What better way to pass the time in the RV while on the road than to play a game or two? When watching the clock, it hardly seems to tick. When playing games and having fun, time flies!

Best Games to Play while On the Road (with preschoolers):

ABC License Plate and/or Sign Game. This is a great one for preschoolers and younger elementary school-aged children. Starting at A, look for the letters of the alphabet on signs and/or license plates as you drive along. First one to Z wins. Or you can spot the letters and do the ABC’s together as a family!

I Spy! Perfect for those little preschoolers who might not know their letters that well yet. Take turns describing things outside or inside the car and have the others guess what you are describing. Whoever guesses the correct item first, gets to be the one describing the next item!

Some Good Games to Play (for Older Kids):

Battleship, Scrabble, or Boggle. Many games are made with car-friendly pieces that can stick so that the movement of the car/RV won’t ruin the game.

Another favorite of mine is Backgammon. This one could get messy though, since the pieces could slide a bit with sudden movements. Another option is loading your favorite electronic device with electronic versions of the above-mentioned games to avoid losing small pieces on a long road trip or if you have an only child and you need a break.

We also enjoy Skip-Bo, Uno or War with cards!

Last Resort: Throw on a movie that will take up 1-2 hours of drive time!

However you spend the time, just keep in the mind that these long hours on the road will be chalk-full of opportunities to make memories with your family. Some of the sweetest memories I have as a kid were spent on long road trips, as a family of six, driving for 1000 miles or more. Make the most of your time and play a game or three with your loved ones to make the time pass more swiftly, while enjoying each other’s company and making memories along the way. Happy Trails!

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