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Camping Ideas for St. Nick

With St. Nick’s Day right around the corner on December 5th, my mind begins to turn to coming up with creative stocking stuffers for our family of avid campers and hikers. While not all areas of the country celebrate this holiday, here in Wisconsin we hang up stockings that evening and in the morning, we awaken to find small goodies and bits of candy in them. They are never anything big, just thoughtful little surprises that are often as practical as they are fun.

In our family, we all look forward to discovering little “treats” in our stockings that remind us of our camping adventures or that portend new destinations in our future. My husband and I usually try to surprise each other with a tantalizing tidbit that will make our adventures easier or more enjoyable. Here are a few ideas for those of you at a loss for what to buy:

Happy shopping! And don’t forget about St. Nick on the night of December 5th.

For more shopping ideas check out Woodall’s main site for the bookstore and additional camping information.

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