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Camping Games

While hanging around the campground, what better way to spend your afternoon than playing games and camping?  From horseshoes to bags to shuffle board, there are plenty of camping games to choose from.  Many RV Parks also offer billiards, a pool, and horseshoe pits. If you are lucky enough to have children to entertain, there are many options for having fun with kids at the campground as well.

Here are a few of my favorite games to take with you camping (with links to where you can buy them online).


ScavTravel Scavenger Hunt Card Game— this card game has items for the players to spot, whether you are playing while on the road or hanging around the campground.  This is great for young kids, age 7 and up.  Also includes “Hear It,” “Feel It,” “Smell It” cards to encourage players to use their senses as they are traveling.





Double LadderBall— An exciting game for 2 or for larger teams; it includes 3 bolas for each team (two different colors) and two goals.  All ages of adults and children as young as 3 or 4 enjoy playing this game, which was originally played by cowboys with their split rail fences and cow-wrangling bolas.





Bean Bag Throw (comes in six different sports designs)– For two or four players (singles or doubles), this interactive game is fun for all ages and can be set up indoors or outdoors, plus it comes with a handy heavy duty carrying case for storing it between uses.




Whether you are entertaining kids or just want something fun to do with your fellow campers, these games are great if you tire from the typical games offered at the RV park. With these easily stored games, you can take your campground game-playing to the next level. Game on!



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