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Backup your photos with Picasa

Fires are raging in Florida right now. As I watch the news it strikes me that every person interviewed mentions the same thing that they will miss the most. Their photographs!

I took this as a sign that I should revisit my #1 computer topic: BACKUP. With digital photos, there are many ways they can be lost, you don’t even need a fire. But, if you have a backup copy on CD stored in a safe place, you can rest easy.

If you’ve been to any of our Geeks on Tour seminars, or subscribe to our newsletter, you know that we are huge fans of Picasa, the free photo software from Google. Picasa is so much more than a simple photo editor, it does everything you need to do with photos, including backing them up. In fact, it has the best backup facility I’ve seen anywhere. Watch the video below to see what I mean.

Chris Guld,

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