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After Camping in 48 States … is THIS our Prettiest Campsite?

Over the past few years, my wife and I have taken our travel trailer into each of the lower 48 States. We’ve traveled tens of thousands of miles. We’ve camped just about every place we could park.
We seen special places. We’ve enjoyed beautiful campsites in the Rocky Mountains and the Florida Keys and British Columbia.
We’ve experienced eyesores. (Although we appreciate ‘overnight parking’ Walmart parking lots and truck stops, these places usually aren’t scenic – unless you happen to love asphalt.)
We’ve seen a lot of mediocrity. Many otherwise decent campgrounds are a little too crowded, or need a few more trees.
After all of these years, I thought we’d seen it all.
Then we took our camper out for a spring shakedown cruise and photo shoot. And guess what? We found one of the prettiest sites we’ve ever had. Since we were shooting photos for the park, we were allowed to set up camp in a special location.
CAPTION: I snapped this pic a few minutes after unhitching our Airstream and pulling our truck away. Isn’t this the dream?
The funny thing is that we didn’t have to haul our camper 3000 miles to find this spot. It is located in a state park only a few miles from our home!
The lesson? You don’t need to travel long distances to find beauty in these United States. Wherever you may live, you can find scenic places to camp nearby. Take a look at the beauty in your own community. It may surprise you.

Over the past few years, my wife and I have taken our travel trailer into each of the lower 48 States. We’ve traveled tens of thousands of miles. We’ve camped just about every place we could park.

We seen special places. We’ve enjoyed beautiful campsites in the Pacific Northwest and the Florida Keys and the arid Southwest.

We’ve seen a few eyesores. (Although we appreciate the option of ‘overnight parking’ at Walmart parking lots and truck stops, these places aren’t scenic – unless you happen to love asphalt.)

We’ve seen a lot of mediocrity. Many otherwise decent campgrounds are too crowded, or need more trees.

After all of these years, I thought we’d seen it all.

Then we took our camper out for a spring shakedown cruise and photo shoot. And guess what? We found one of the prettiest sites we’ve ever enjoyed. Since we were shooting photos for the park, we were allowed to set up our camp in a special location.

Click the pic to be magically transported to our Facebook discussion about this dream campsite. "LIKE" our Facebook page to join the fun!

The funny thing is that we didn’t have to haul our camper 3000 miles to find this spot. It is located in a state park only a few miles from our home!

The lesson? You don’t need to travel long distances to find beauty in these United States. Wherever you may live, you can find scenic places to camp nearby. Take a look at the beauty in your own community. It may surprise you!

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